Fair Hill Work Expansion
After review of the findings from the initial site investigation work, Gore is expanding the site investigation to include bedrock monitoring well installations at both on-site and off-site locations, additional shallow monitoring well installations at …
Cherry Hill Work Expansion
Based upon the analysis of data collected to date as part of the Cherry Hill site-investigation work plan, expanded locations for ground water monitoring wells were identified for installation on adjacent properties. The planned activities …
Appleton Campus Well Sampling
Gore expanded its investigation for its Appleton campus to include data from water samples collected from neighbors on Appleton Road adjacent to the South West of Gore’s property residents were offered Point of Entry Filtration …
Elk Mills Water Sampling Update
Recently, Gore submitted a groundwater investigation work plan to the MDE to install eight groundwater monitoring wells for the purposes of collecting groundwater samples around the Elk Mills 5 facility. The MDE approved this work plan, …
Appleton Campus Water Sampling Update
Based upon the results of the ground water sampling Gore conducted in late 2023 near our Appleton South Facility, Gore developed and shared a detailed workplan with the MDE to expand the groundwater investigation with …
Gore to Provide Water Filtration Systems
Under Gore’s action plan approximately 130 properties located near our Cherry Hill and Fair Hill facilities will be provided a Point-of-Entry Treatment (POET) water filtration system. These systems contain granular activated carbon tanks that have …
Gore Expands Sampling Efforts on Appleton Campus
Recently, Gore began testing at locations surrounding our Appleton South facility to determine whether certain PFAS are present in groundwater underneath the facility. This work is being performed in accordance with detailed plans that Gore …
Cherry Hill Monitoring Well Installation
In continued coordination with the MDE, Gore will be expanding the scope of the initial well testing at our Cherry Hill facility. This expansion represents the next phase in our detailed water sampling plan. The …
Fair Hill Monitoring Wells Installation
Drilling activity recently commenced at our Fair Hill facility to collect water samples at various locations on the property. This activity is expected to last throughout the month of July.
Cherry Hill Monitoring Well Installation
Drilling activity recently commenced at our Cherry Hill facility to collect water samples at various locations on the property. As previously mentioned, this effort is being undertaken in collaboration with the MDE and follows a …